+1-650-690-7008 hello@braintrust.university
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Pick a Membership Plan that Works for You

Check out our pricing plans to suit your needs or contact one of our representatives to answer any questions you may have. Clicking thru to Purchase will take you to our Corporate Estore, located at www.copedia.biz

Pick an Acceditation Program that Works for You

Check out our pricing plans to suit your needs or contact one of our representatives to answer any questions you may have. Clicking thru to Purchase will take you to our Corporate Estore, located at www.copedia.biz

Pick a Transition Plan that Works for You

Check out our pricing plans to suit your needs or contact one of our representatives to answer any questions you may have. Clicking thru to Purchase will take you to our Corporate Estore, located at www.copedia.biz

Tranistion Plans

Frequently Asked Questions

Listed below are the questions we get most. If yours isn’t listed, just reach out to us.

Can I cancel my 444 Program at anytime?

Yes, just give us 30 days notice. We will let you know how to move your data and you’ll have up to the end of the next month to do so. We can’t refund partial months.

When do I have to pay for my Micro Degree?

You are actually paying for the assessment, not a degree. You can make a single payment or 4 monthly payments. Payment is due to start the micro degree process. You get 6 months to pass the assessment.

What Happens if I don't pass an assessment?

We encourage you not to put yourself in that position. Your team is here for business and you need to be prepared. If you do not pass an assessment you can take it again for 50%  of the assessment fee.

What is the difference between BT Campus and Brain Trust University?

BT Campus is an educational and social learning platform. Brain Trust University is a private group of business members that  assess educational achievement and accredit the education meets the needs of our business membership.

How do I get a micro degree if I'm not employed?

You need a relationship with an employer or nonprofit. You can contact your BT Coach and post in the Freelance Market place for more options.

Can I qualify for internship credit if I am self employed?

Yes. Contact your BT Coach for details.

Still have questions?

"Micro Degrees are the best way to quickly re-tool for the new era."

– Morton Bailor

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